Elegant to-do list | prioritize your day
Elegant to-do list | prioritize your day
5 x 7" notepads | 50 sheets per pad
I love creating lists for my day. And yet even with a list, it's easy to get so overwhelmed by the amount of tasks, that I don't end up getting the most important things finished by the end of the day.
That's why I created this list – to help prioritize our days by writing down the top 5 things that are the most important to focus on for each day. There are other lines for tasks that would be great to fit in as well, but the top 5 lines are for the tasks that you are wanting to prioritize the most...and if nothing else gets done that day, you can know that the most important things were focused on and completed.
I also added a blank space at the bottom, which was intentional. That space is for you to write a word or a phrase that you want to purposefully think on throughout the day. Some kind of reminder of truth or a challenge for your heart – something for your eyes to see each time you glance at your list for the day. We must be intentional to fill our minds with truth at every opportunity, for our minds will always be focusing on something...let's make sure we're setting our gaze on things above and not getting so wrapped up in earthly things as we go about our day.